Ramona Mercer

Maternal Role Attainment Theory: Ramona Mercer

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Ramona Mercer


- Ramona Mercer served as the head nurse in pediatrics and staff nurse in intrapartum, postpartum, and newborn nursery units.
- For over 30 years, she has done research into parenting in low- and high-risk situations and transition into the maternal role.                                                        
- She authored Perspectives on Adolescent Health Care, Transitions in a Woman's Life, and Parents at Risk.

Key Concepts & Definitions

·         MATERNAL ROLE ATTAINMENT - An interactional and developmental process occurring over a period of time, during which a mother becomes attached to her infant, acquires competence in the care-taking task involved in the role.
·         MATERNAL AGE – chronological and development.
·         PERCEPTION OF BIRTH EXPERIENCE - A woman’s perception of her performance during labor and birth
·         EARLY MATERNAL-INFANT SEPARATION – Separation from the mother after birth due to illness or prematurity.
·         SELF-ESTEEM – An individual’s perception of how others view ones and self- acceptance of the perception
·         SELF-CONCEPT (SELF-REGARD) – The overall perception of self that includes self-satisfaction, self-acceptance, self-esteem and congruence of discrepancy between self and ideal self.
·         FLEXIBILITY – Flexibility of childrearing attitude increases with increased development.
·         CHILDREARING ATTITUDE – Maternal attitude and belief about childrearing.
·         HEALTH STATUS – The parent perception of their prior health, current health, health outlook, concern
·         ANXIETY – A trait in which there is specific proneness to perceive stressful situation as dangerous or threatening.
·         DEPRESSION – Having a group of depressive symptoms, and the affective component of the depressed  mood.
·         ROLE STRAIN – The conflict and difficulty felt by the women in fulfilling the material role obligation
·         GRATIFICATION – A component of the parental role and identity. A process in which an enduring  emotional commitment to an individual is formed.
·         INFANT TEMPERAMENT – The temperament, appearance, and health status.
·         FAMILY – A dynamic system which includes a mother, father, infant (subsystem-individuals) and mother-father, mother-infant , father-infant (dyads) within the overall family system.
·         FAMILY FUNCTIONING – The individual's view of the relationships between  the family and its subsystems and broader social units.
·         STRESS – Positively and negatively perceived life events and environmental variables.
·         SOCIAL SUPPORT – The amount of help actually received, satisfaction with that help, and the person providing that help. It has 4 areas emotional, informational, physical, appraisal.
·         MOTHER-FATHER RELATIONSHIP – Perception of the mate relationship that includes intended and actual values, goals, and agreement between the two.
·         CULTURE – The total way of life learned and passed on from generation to generation.

Major Concepts

1. Person
- Refers to the "self" or "core-self". She views the self as separate from the roles played.
- Through maternal individuation, a woman may regain her own "personhood" as she extrapolates her "self" from the mother-infant dyad.
- The core evolves from a culture context and determines how situations are defined.

2. Nursing
- Referred as a science emerging from a "turbulent adolescence to adulthood"
- The health professionals having the most "sustained and intense interaction with women in the maternity cycle"
- Obstetric nursing is the diagnosis and treatment of women's and men's responses to actual or potential health problem during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

3. Health
- She stresses the importance of health care during the child bearing and child-rearing process.
- Health status  is an important indirect influence on satisfaction with relationships in childbearing families.
- Health status of the newborn is the extent of disease present and infant health status by parental rating of overall health.

4. Environment
- Development of role/person can't be considered apart from the environment; there is a mutual accommodation between the settings, relationship are embedded.
- Definition of environment is taken from Bronfrenbenner's definition of the ecological environment in which maternal role attainment develops.
- Model shows nesting of the mother and infant with the microsystem, mesosystem and macrosystem. This indicates the environmental factors such as social support, stress, and family functioning within the microsystem and environmental factors such as work setting, school, and daycare impact role attainment.


Slideshare: Mercer's Maternal Role Attainment Theory (Online) Available at http://www.slideshare.net/JosephineAnnNecor/ramona-mercers-maternal-role-attainment-theory Accessed: September 11, 2016

Image from http://www.inmemoriam.ca/view-announcement-355028-ramona-mercer.html

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