Joyce Fitzpatrick

Life Perspective Rhythm Model: Joyce Fitzpatrick

Joyce Fitzpatrick


Joyce Fitzpatrick presented a rhythm model for the field of inquiry of nursing. A developmental model that proposes that the process of human development is characterized by rhythms.
Fitzpatrick incorporated Rogers’ (1983) postulated correlates of human development as the basis for differentiation, organizing and ordering life’s reality. Rogers’ correlates of shorter, higher frequency waves that manifest shorter rhythms and approach as seemingly continuous pattern which serves as Fitzpatrick foci for hypothesizing the existence of rhythmic patterns.

Key Concept

The Life Perspective Rhythm Model concludes that the process of human development is characterized by rhythms that occur within the context of continuous person-environment interaction and that nursing activities basically focus on strengthening the developmental process towards health.

Major Concepts

Life Perspective Rhythm Model has four (4) content concepts:

1. Person
- Person includes both self and others.
- The person is treated as an open, holistic, rhythmic system that can be described by indices of holistic human functioning as temporal, motion, consciousness and perceptual pattern.
- Person is seen as an open system, a unified whole characterized by a basic human rhythm.
- The model recognizes individuals as having unique biological, psychological, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual attitudes.

2. Health
-  Health is a dynamic state of being that results from the interaction of person and the environment.
-  A human dimension under continuous development, a heightened awareness of the meaningfulness of life.
- Optimum health is the actualization of both innate and obtained human potential gathered from rewarding relationships with others, goal directed behavior and expert personal care.
- Fitzpatrick has asserted that the four (4) indices of human functioning are intricately related to health patterns throughout the life span and these indices are rhythmic in nature.

3. Wellness- illness
- Differences in behavioral manifestations are more easily identified during the peaks and troughs of particular human rhythms throughout the developmental process.
-  According to Fitzpatrick, there are patterns within a pattern or overall life patterns, where Life pattern continues toward timelessness, becoming more dominant as one development occurs.
-  Professional nursing is rooted in the promotion of wellness practices.

4. Nursing
- A developing discipline whose central concern is the meaning attached to life (health)
- Meaning is viewed as the central component of the human experience and is necessary to enhance and maintain life.
- Fitzpatrick stated that the primary purpose of nursing is the promotion and maintenance of an optimal level of wellness.


33 Greatest Nursing Models and Theories to Practice (Online) Available at Accessed: September 13, 2016

Cardinal Stritch University Library (Online) Available at Accessed: September 13, 2016

Meaning in Life: Translating Nursing Concepts to Research (PDF File) Available at Accessed: September 13, 2016

Nurses info. for nurses everywhere  (Online) Available at Accessed: September 13, 2016

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